ECDC e-learning and training materials

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has developed e-learning and training materials for continuous professional development among Public Health professionals in Member States.

The e-learning courses are designed as unmoderated, self-paced courses and include:

  • Introduction to outbreak investigations
  • Introduction to rapid risk assessment
  • Epidemic intelligence
  • Writing and reviewing scientific abstracts: a field epidemiology focus
  • Cross-border sharing of health data
  • PRECEPT – a framework for assessing and grading evidence in public health
  • Influenza vaccination campaigns targeting healthcare workers
  • Influenza bioanalytics

Training materials include:

  • Development, implementation and evaluation of prudent antibiotic use campaigns
  • Legionnaire’s disease: risk assessment, outbreak investigation and control
  • Epidemiological aspects of vaccine-preventable diseases (VPD)

E-learning courses and materials are free and open to all and can be accessed through the ECDC website at 

Please refer to the ECDC website for the most up to date list of courses and materials available.

Last updated: 16 August 2019