Weekly Reports

Infectious Disease Weekly Report

The Weekly Infectious Disease report and the Weekly HIV/STI report have been replaced by the National Notifiable Disease Hub. The hub contains epidemiological data previously reported in the reports and more. Explore the Hub at: https://notifiabledisease.hpsc.ie/

Latest measles figures are provided in the Measles in Ireland report below.

Annual infectious disease notification reports are available on the HPSC website.

Outbreak Weekly Report

HPSC publishes weekly reports on outbreaks of infectious diseases. Data in the Weekly Outbreak Reports should be regarded as provisional until a process of validation has been completed at the end of the notification year.

Further information on outbreaks is available at https://www.hpsc.ie/a-z/outbreaks/ 

Influenza, RSV and other Respiratory Viruses Surveillance Reports

During the flu season, which runs from October to May, an Influenza, RSV and Other Respiratory Viruses Surveillance Report will be released every Thursday. The frequency of the report will reduce to fortnightly towards the end of the season in April and May. Publication of this report has been paused during the summer until Week 40 2024. Latest data and analyses are available on the HPSC Respiratory Virus Data Hub.


COVID-19 Data and Surveillance in Ireland