New COVID-19 guidance updates have been published


Updated COVID-19 guidance contains advice on the public health protective measures which remain part of the collective response to COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses

Key changes in this guidance

  • Self-directed PCR tests will no longer be recommended for the general population who have symptoms consistent with a respiratory virus infection. The portals through which members of the public previously booked PCR tests, or were supplied with antigen tests are closed.
  • Adults with symptoms consistent with a viral respiratory infection (including COVID-19) are advised to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until 48 hours after symptoms have substantially or fully resolved.
  • Children and young people (under 18 years of age) who have symptoms consistent with a viral respiratory infection (including COVID-19) and who are unwell or have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people. They can go back to school, college or childcare, and resume normal activities when they no longer have a high temperature and they are well enough to attend.
  • Patient facing health and care workers (HCWs) who have symptoms of a respiratory infection and/or have a high temperature and do not feel well enough to attend work should take an antigen test as soon as they feel unwell. Patient facing health and care workers includes but is not limited to people providing care in community care settings, care homes, hospices, disability services, older persons services, acute and non-acute hospitals, community hospitals, mental health services, palliative care services, primary care clinics, home care, paramedics and community services.
  • Any adult who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 (either PCR or antigen test confirmed) should stay at home for 5 days and avoid contact with others from date of onset of symptoms or if asymptomatic from the date of their first positive test. Please note additional considerations are required for health and care workers.
  • Children and young people (under 18 years of age) who have a positive COVID-19 test result (either PCR or antigen test confirmed) should stay at home and avoid contact with others for 3 full days, after the day they took the test or from the day their symptoms started (whichever was earliest).
  • Health and care workers who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 (either PCR or antigen test confirmed) should follow general testing advice for the public except where indicated by local dynamic institutional risk assessment(s) or as part of the public health management of an outbreak or specific public health risk. This risk assessment may indicate a requirement for specific HCWs to undertake antigen testing prior to returning to work particularly if they are working with the most clinically vulnerable.
  • Wearing a face covering/mask is no longer mandatory, however, anyone who wishes to continue to wear a face covering/mask should not be discouraged from doing so. Mask wearing is also advised based on individual or dynamic institutional risk assessment.


Access to the full guidance document and complementary algorithms can be accessed here: