Viral meningitis

Clinical criteria
Any person with an acute illness with meningeal symptoms AND fever

Laboratory criteria for a confirmed case
Raised cerebrospinal fluid white cell count AND one of the following three:
- Isolation of a viral pathogen from cerebrospinal fluid
- Detection of viral nucleic acid in cerebrospinal fluid
- Serological evidence of infection with a virus known to cause viral meningitis

Laboratory criteria for a probable case
Raised cerebrospinal fluid white cell count AND isolation of a viral pathogen known to cause viral meningitis from a site other then cerebrospinal fluid

Epidemiological criteria

Case classification
A. Possible case
B. Probable case
Any person meeting the clinical criteria and the laboratory criteria for a probable case but with no evidence of bacterial, fungal or parasitic meningitis
C. Confirmed case
Any person meeting the clinical and the laboratory criteria for case confirmation

Notification of viral meningitis due to a listed pathogen should be notified under the relevant disease 

Current as of: 22 January 2019