Expert Group on CPE (carbapenem-producing enterobacteriaceae) Terms of reference
- The work of the group will be as directed by the National Public Health Expert Team (NPHET)
- To function as a standing expert group that will monitor and review national and international research and developments in relation to CPE and provide expert advice to the National Public Health Expert Team (NPHET)
- To review current advice and guidance on CPE epidemiology, prevention, control and management so as to identify gaps, and update and provide clear, evidence-based expert advice on these matters
- To provide responses to questions raised by NPHET
- To provide written reports to NPHET on an appropriate frequency with first report by end of 2017
- Chair – Prof Hilary Humphreys
- HSE HCAI/AMR (healthcare-associated infection/antimicrobial resistance) Clinical Lead
- Director of the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC)
- Director of CPE Reference Laboratory
- Consultant Microbiologist
- Consultant in Infectious Disease
- Consultant Geriatrician
- Specialist in Public Health Medicine
- Infection Prevention Control Nurse
- Surveillance Scientist
- Clinical/Antimicrobial Pharmacist
- General Practitioner
- Environmental Health Officer
- International expert on infection prevention and control
- Senior Operations Management Expert
- Laboratory Medical Scientist
The Chair will attend NPHET meetings as appropriate.