Flu continues to circulate in Ireland
People in at-risk groups are urged to get vaccinated against influenza, as the number of reported cases in Ireland increased further in the past week (week 10).
Given the increases in most influenza surveillance indicators over the past five weeks, HPSC considers that influenza viruses are currently circulating in the community in Ireland.
The latest influenza surveillance report will be published Wednesday the 16th March 2022, due to the bank holiday weekend and is available here on the HPSC website.
Summary of influenza activity in Ireland
Up to the week ending March 13th 2022 (week 10 2022), the most recent influenza surveillance data indicate that the number of confirmed cases notified to HPSC continued to increase.
Two hundred and seventy (270) confirmed influenza cases were notified during the most recent week, compared to 255 cases in the previous week (ending March 6th). The median age of the 270 notified cases in the past week was 34 years. Of the 270 cases, 61 (22.6 %) were reported as hospital inpatients, with a median age of 58 years.
The overall influenza positivity rate reported from the National Virus Reference Laboratory is 4.6% for the most recent week and was 18.2% for week 9 compared to 7.8% during week 8 2022.
Since October 2021 (2021/2022 influenza season to date), 944 laboratory confirmed influenza cases have been notified to HPSC. One hundred and ninety-seven (20.8%) of these cases were reported as hospital inpatients, including four confirmed influenza cases admitted to critical care units.
To date this season, three deaths in notified influenza cases have been reported. Thirteen influenza outbreaks have been notified - six hospital outbreaks, two family outbreaks, two nursing home outbreaks, one outbreak linked to a social gathering and two at other healthcare services.
In addition, the sentinel GP influenza-like illness (ILI) consultation rate has increased at 19.4/100,000 population during week 9 compared to 13.7/100,000 population during week 9 2022.
Influenza A (H3N2) is the predominant virus circulating in Ireland, with only sporadic influenza A(H1)pdm09 and influenza B cases detected.
View the latest influenza surveillance report is available on the HPSC website here
Influenza (flu) vaccine
The influenza vaccine is available free of charge from GPs and pharmacists for everyone in the recommendation groups. People recommended to get the flu vaccine are:
- People including children (aged 6 months and older)
- with chronic illness requiring regular medical follow-up such as chronic lung disease, chronic heart disease, chronic neurological disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders and diabetes.
- Those with lower immunity due to disease or treatment and all cancer patients.
- Those with morbid obesity i.e. Body Mass Index ≥ 40.
If you are a carer or a household contact of a person with one of these conditions, you can also get a free flu vaccine.
- All those aged 50 years and older.
- All pregnant women. The vaccine can be given at any stage of pregnancy.
- Residents of nursing homes, old people's homes and other long stay facilities.
- Health care workers and carers of those in at-risk groups.
Vaccination remains the most effective way of preventing infection by seasonal influenza viruses and can reduce severe disease that can lead to hospitalisation and death. The vaccine takes two weeks to work once received. It is not too late to get your flu vaccine this season. You can get it from participating GPs and pharmacists. Find a list of pharmacies near you providing the flu vaccine: https://www2.hse.ie/services/pharmacies-flu/
Please visit www.hse.ie/flu for more information on the flu vaccine and eligible groups.
As influenza levels are now increasing, it is recommended that antivirals be considered for the treatment and prevention of influenza in at-risk groups.
What do you do if you have flu-like symptoms
Anyone who gets flu should stay at home, rest, drink plenty of fluids and use over-the-counter remedies like paracetamol to ease symptoms. Advice, tips, information and videos on getting over flu and other common illnesses are available at a new HSE website, www.undertheweather.ie.
When to seek help
If you are in an at-risk group with flu symptoms OR if you are not in an at-risk group but your flu symptoms are severe or getting worse, you should contact your GP. GPs may wish to prescribe antivirals for those presenting with influenza in the at-risk groups. If you need to visit your GP or the Emergency Department, please phone first to explain that you might have flu.
If your child has flu and their symptoms are severe or last for more than one week, contact your GP. Please phone first to explain that they might have flu.
Respiratory Hygiene
Covering your cough and sneeze can stop the spread of germs that make people sick.
- DO use a tissue and place it immediately in the bin. Wash your hands or use a hand sanitiser.
- DO cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve.
- DON’T cough or sneeze into your hands. You’ll end up spreading germs to everything you touch.
Posters and social media resources for respiratory hygiene are available to download from the HPSC website.
The weekly influenza surveillance reports and further information on influenza and flu vaccine are available on the HPSC website and on the HSE website.
March 16th 2022