Research and Guideline Development Unit (RGDU)
Background Information
HSE’s Public Health: National Health Protection Office was launched as a national service with the inaugaral National Health Protection Strategy in October 2022. With a mission “To Protect and Prevent”: to protect the people of Ireland from all-hazards and prevent harm from health threats, national and international. Led by the Director of National Health Protection (DNHP), the National Health Protection Office is supported by a Senior Management Team which includes National Consultant Leads for Surveillance, Immunisation and Health Security (Threats).
A new Knowledge, Intelligence and Quality Assurance Division for Health Protection guidance/guidelines, evidence synthesis and knowledge management was established as part of the HSE Public Health: National Health Protection Office. The Research and Guideline Development Unit (RGDU) was formed within this new division in June 2021 to build the strategic direction for Health Protection guidance development.
RGDU Mission Statement
The RGDU is committed to making research and guidance/guidelines available that incorporate current evidence informed methodologies and reflects the values and priorities of the Health Service Executive (HSE) and of Government. This will be achieved through collaborative partnership, shared resources and expertise. The development and implementation of evidence informed health protection research and guidance/guidelines will enhance health outcomes for patients/public, diminish variation in practice and support and improve the quality of clinical decisions.
For further information please contact the Research and Guideline Development Unit at: