Measles (Measles virus)

Clinical criteria
Any person with fever AND maculo-papular rash AND at least one of the following three:
- Cough
- Coryza
- Conjunctivitis

Laboratory criteria
At least one of the following four:
- Isolation of measles virus from a clinical specimen
- Detection of measles virus nucleic acid in a clinical specimen
- Measles virus specific antibody response characteristic for acute infection in serum or saliva
- Detection of measles virus antigen by DFA in a clinical specimen using measles specific monoclonal antibodies

Laboratory results need to be interpreted according to the vaccination status. If recently vaccinated, investigate for wild virus.

Epidemiological criteria
An epidemiological link by human to human transmission

Case classification
A. Possible case
Any person meeting the clinical criteria
B. Probable case
Any person meeting the clinical criteria and with an epidemiological link
C. Confirmed case
Any person not recently vaccinated and meeting the clinical and the laboratory criteria

Current as of: 24 January 2019